Photo Facials
A photo facial is a category of skin treatments that uses medical devices to deliver a variety of different types of energy to activate your own body’s rejuvenation mechanisms. You can look forward to more even skin tones and a brighter complexion following a medical photo-facial treatment.
A “Photofacial” often refers to a noninvasive laser treatment that targets sun-damaged skin. It improves your overall appearance by reducing age spots, brown spots, freckles, rosacea, spider veins, and, with the appropriate device, most pigment problems.
Revive Wellness Centers have a number of different, FDA approved medical devices that can address an unprecedented number of skin rejuvenation and pigment issues. Continue reading below to see a list of Revive’s current photo-facial devices, what they accomplish and what skin types they can treat
- Revive’s new PICO Genesis laser by Cutera has three lasers to safely brighten skin, improve skin texture, reduce pore size, soften skin, and increase collagen and elastin production to achieve younger skin and younger looking skin. PICO Genesis is good for all skin types.
- The PICO Enlighten uses super fast pulses of laser energy to eliminate pigmented areas of the skin, such as melasma, rosacea, and age spots.
- The laser is set to a specific wavelength that’s only absorbed by the pigmented tissues. As a result, it treats discolorations without harming the surrounding skin. It can also treat a small, defined area.
- As the pigment absorbs laser energy, it’s heated to a temperature that makes the dye break down. The body then absorbs and eliminates small pieces of cellular waste.
Revive’s VIVA radio frequency (RF) device by Venus safely improves fine lines and greatly improves skin texture. VIVA treatments effectively improves acne scars and reduces pore sizes by stimulating collagen and elastin production. VIVA’S RF treatments activate your skin’s rejuvenation capabilities to naturally improve skin tone for more vibrant looking skin.
VIVA also treats stretch marks on all parts of the body. Revive’s exclusive combination of 302 rejuvenation Drops and VIVA RF treatments to softens and improve stretch marks. VIVA safely treats all skin types.
Revive’s Elite Laser by Cynosure uses the 1064nm YAG laser for skin rejuvenation. The variable settings allow Revive’s practitioners to safely improve texture, fine lines and pore size on any skin type.
The Laser Genesis is often used to treat rosacea and acne scars, but it also diminishes the appearance of wrinkles. It’s a non-ablative laser, which means it doesn’t affect the surface of the skin. It works by heating tissues below the surface just enough to stimulate collagen production.
Old skin continually dies and is replaced by new skin. Boosting collagen production ensures that new skin is healthy and strong. As a result, skin texture improves, pore size reduces, wrinkles diminish, and you look younger.
During the treatment, you’ll feel the warmth of the laser; otherwise, the treatment is comfortable. One session usually takes less than an hour. When it’s over, you can get back to your normal activities.
- Revive’s XEO Titan head delivers Infrared light to heat the deep dermis layers to tighten skin on any part of the body. Titan safely treats all skin types
- Revive’s XEO Genesis device evens skin tone and can reduce the appearance of rosacea, pore size and fine lines. Genesis also helps calm acne and improve skin texture. Genesis safely treats all skin types.
- Revive’s XEO IPL improves pigmentation and sun damage that attracts the heat of the Intense Pulse Light. The pigment heating helps break down the pigment into smaller particles so the body’s repair mechanisms can process them out of our system. Xeo’s IPL can treat skin types I, II and III.
If you have loose or slightly sagging skin and you’d like to add skin tightening to you photo facial session, the team at Revive Wellness Center can do that with the Titan laser. This laser reaches into the deeper layers of your skin — without harming upper layers — to trigger collagen production.
As collagen builds a stable structure for new skin, you see tighter, better-toned skin. The process is gradual because it takes a few weeks for new collagen to replace old skin, but since collagen production stays high for several months, the results last longer.
Revive Wellness Centers
Medical Aesthetics & Cosmetic Surgery Centers located in Torrance & Palm Springs, CA