Sometimes you need more than a quick laser treatment to rejuvenate your appearance. Noninvasive cosmetic procedures do a good job of tightening skin, diminishing wrinkles, and eliminating discolorations, but they can’t accomplish the cosmetic improvements and long-lasting results of surgical lifts. The team at Revive Wellness Center offers a full range of surgical lifts to restore your youthful appearance. Call one of their offices in Torrance and Palm Springs, California, or schedule an appointment online for an assessment and to learn if you’re a good candidate for one or more surgical lifts.
Surgical Lifts
A full facelift repairs and strengthens underlying muscles, smooths wrinkles, and eliminates extra fat and loose, sagging skin. This surgery can treat your face, or it could include your neck if you need to get rid of neck wrinkles or a double chin.
Traditional facelift surgery takes about four hours and several weeks of recovery time. It could take months for all the swelling to go down, but in the end your appearance is fully rejuvenated.
A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, treats the signs of aging that appear on your forehead, eyebrows, and eyes. This surgical procedure eliminates deep forehead wrinkles, hooding over the eyes, drooping eyebrows, frown lines above your nose, and crow’s feet next to your eyes.
A forehead lift removes any excess skin and fat, then repositions the skin so that it lifts the upper eyelids, diminishes frown lines, and smoothly covers the forehead: no more forehead wrinkles.
Brow lift surgery takes about 1-2 hours. Post-surgical bruising and swelling lasts 2-3 weeks. However, itching may develop that can last several months.
While a neck lift improves your jawline and eliminates jowls, and a brow lift treats your eyes and forehead, if you need to fight aging above the jawline and below the forehead, you may want to consider a mid-face lift.
A mid-face lift, or cheek lift, focuses on eliminating age-related sagging and wrinkling that affects the cheeks and the area around your nose, eyes, and mouth. It elevates the fat pad and muscle tissue in your cheeks, which adds fullness to your eyes and cheeks. While injectables are used to lift cheeks, a surgical mid-face lift lasts significantly longer.
The team at Revive Wellness Center offers other specialized procedures:
Soft tissues are lifted, then held in place with dissolvable threads. The thread holds the tissue in place for 1-2 years, then completely dissolves. This procedure may be used to lift the brow, cheeks, face, and neck.
Combines several advanced treatments for comprehensive rejuvenation, including medical grade skincare therapy, dermal fillers, radiofrequency to tighten skin, ultrasonic infusion of skin serum, and Botox to relax wrinkles.
Revive Wellness Centers
Medical Aesthetics & Cosmetic Surgery Centers located in Torrance & Palm Springs, CA